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    3D Model of Atherosclerosis

    3D Models of Atherosclerosis offer a comprehensive view of the progressive thickening and hardening of arterial walls due to plaque buildup. This condition affects large and medium-sized arteries, including coronary, carotid, and peripheral arteries, which play crucial roles in delivering oxygen-rich blood to organs and tissues. In healthy arteries, smooth, flexible walls facilitate uninterrupted blood flow. Atherosclerosis disrupts this balance by forming plaques composed of fat, cholesterol, and cellular debris, which gradually narrow and stiffen the arterial lumen. Over time, this narrowing can restrict blood flow, leading to serious complications such as heart attack, stroke, or peripheral artery disease. Our 3D models provide an interactive visualization of plaque formation, arterial wall changes, and the potential for obstruction, offering users insights into the pathophysiology, symptoms, and impacts of atherosclerosis on vascular health.

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      +48 (517) 370 938