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    3D head model for enhanced otorhinolaryngology device development

    Our anatomically accurate 3D head model, developed for ENT applications, improves device ergonomics and patient comfort by offering accurate prototyping and patient-specific solutions

    In the complex field of otorhinolaryngology, precision is critical. Medical devices designed for the complex structures of the ear, nose and throat must be precisely adjusted to the individual anatomical variations to ensure optimal patient comfort, device performance, and enhanced patient outcomes given the complexities and delicacy of nasal cavity mucosa, sensitive cochlear structures of the inner ear, or the vocal folds of the larynx. Traditional medical device development methods often fail to capture the full complexity of human anatomy, hindering the ability to create patient-specific devices. Our client, the R&D department of a leading medical device manufacturer, turned to us given our in-depth expertise in 3D anatomy and gross pathology modeling, with the request to develop a highly accurate 3D model of the human head focusing on anatomical structures of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT).

    Our team of 3D artists worked in close collaboration with experienced otorhinolaryngologists to ensure the highest anatomical accuracy. This collaborative approach resulted in a high-fidelity 3D model that features:

    Macroscopic detail

    The resulting model captures complex geometry of the ENT region with millimeter precision, including the finest details of the auditory system, and upper respiratory tract. Based on the expert opinion, we also incorporated the common anatomical variations.

    Full adjustability

    To enable client’s engineers to fully simulate devices shape and placement, as well as assess fit during the iterative development, we anticipated the full adjustability to the recent needs. This means the model can be freely moved or manipulated to show different angles, positions, and perspectives of the head’s structure.

    Workflow integration

    Understanding that the client can fully leverage the tool only if integrated into their existing flows, we took the additional steps:

    • Advanced model conversion:
      We adapted the model to a dedicated CAD project, ensuring its compatibility with the client’s design software.
    • High precision prototyping:
      To translate the digital design into physical prototyping, we converted the model files into the format that enables 3D printing. Next, we performed test prints of our model with precision exceeding 50 microns. This was essential for verifying the accuracy and functionality of the model. The client’s engineers can now evaluate device designs in tangible form.

    *Detailed information about the client cannot be disclosed under the provisions of the NDA.